Monday, 18 February 2008

Dressed To Kill

After seeing these Marc Jacobs flat gold boots on's accessories report I just had to post them for all to see. They remind me of an article I once read about Alison from The Kills where she mentioned that her favourite things in the world (on that day, obviously) were a pair of Gold Dior Homme boots. I read that a few years ago, where I don't know, why I remember it is an even more curious thing.

The Kills adorn the cover of the new Nylon magazine, which I still can't get anywhere, I'm hoping it will be in Borders tomorrow.

You can't really see the boots here, but she is wearing them...

Does anyone else feel a huge desire to go to Marc Jacobs and buy these beauties, team them with skinny jeans, a baggy t shirt and lots of necklaces and proceed to pretend you're a rockstar whilst dancing round the living room?

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