Thursday, 7 February 2008

Let's hear it for Ladyhawke

Ooh, i do love a bit of disco, so when someone tole me about Ladyhawke I just had to check her out. Imagine 80's synths - think Gary Numan and a female apathetic vocal.

The first song on the Myspace is Paris Is Burning an ace tune with some killer lyrics about kids drinking in the street and other amazing Parisian stuff where as Back of the Van is a homage to Chrissie Hynde.

Ladyhawke is djing at the Modular Irregular party tomorrow (Friday) at Bar Aquarium in Shoreditch - get there early, those parties get pretty sweaty, oh, and take your cossie as the jacuzzi will be open, yep.

Fact fans - Ladyhawke is a reference to an 80's film featuring Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick, she's a hawk by night, he's a wolf by day and never the two can meet. Amazing.

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