Monday, 4 February 2008

Sweeney Todd

I saw Sweeney Todd last night and, although I do have a massive problem with musicals generally, it as great. Helena Bonham Carter's outfits - especially in the dream sequence are very Tim Burton and pretty ace. The only good piccy I can find is the one pasted above - now i desperately want a pill box hat and will probably get one tomorrow lunch time from Beyond Retro, uh oh.

Other costumes include a blue and white sailor dress complete with Eley Kishimoto style striped skirt and a red dress complete with red and white spotted camisole. The dress above is an off the shoulder affair, reminiscent of the Christopher Kane and Marios Schwab dresses coming to Topshop soon - I'll be there with the delivery truck on the Thursday morning.

The only pics I could fiind of these dresses are from this weekend's Sunday Times Style Magazine which i have scanned in below - see main pic for Christopher Kane and far right hand off the shoulder dress for Schwab.

Today's buy? A big black bow for my hair - I can see an obsession starting.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Despite the meh music, I was so inspired by Helena and her summer goth at the beach costumes..

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