Monday, 31 March 2008

Neck Ruffles, my latest addiction

I know Roisin Murphy may be wearing hers on her head rather than round her neck, I probably wouldn't do that. However, after popping in to my local fave shop No-One (more about this shop later) it's across the road from my house (nearly) so it's pretty impossible to avoid a wander in of a Sunday afternoon.

I spotted Roisin's said neck ruffle (probably the one she wore in fact, as the stylist name checks the shop on her blog) ANYWAY, it's by KaPow Wow and I'm in love with it...they have ones of varying sizes starting at £25, as far as I can see there is no website for the brand.

The neck ruffle is an investment that's a bit silly but one I am going to make. Foolish but fun.

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