Saturday, 16 August 2008

New Stuff

My boyfriend had a dream last night that Warehouse were pioneering the gothic look, amazing. I think this fashion obsession is getting a bit out of hand and spreading to those close to me.

After he told me this (and I laughed for some time) I showed him my ace new lace leggings that I had bought only the day before from H&M for a mere £10. They are totally on trend at the moment (if i do say so myself) and one that I fully prepare to rock all Autumn.

I also received a late birthday present - my Luella headband, woop, I wanted to post a picture for all to see because I love it so much, thanks Helen and Swan!!


gossipgirllover said...

i want that headband so bad!! i live in california and i can't find it anywhere, do u have any suggestions?

loveyoumore said...


I have looked online and cant seem to find where they sell them. I can buy one and ship to you if you like?

Email me if you want me to.

Amy Pearl said...

i've been looking everywhere for the luella headbands, and haven't had any luck (i'm in the US). how much did yours cost?

loveyoumore said...

I think its about £50 so that would be near $100, eek!

Anonymous said...

that headband is so cute, i've been lusting after one for some time, but can't find anywhere to order online...
Do you have any idea if I can purchase one 'up north' (the manchester area) as i think its unlikely i'll be off down to london anytime soon to pick one up :(
x x

loveyoumore said...

I think they are selling them online via the Luella site x

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