Wednesday, 9 July 2008


I checked out a sneak preview of the brand new CSS album 'Donkey' and it really is great, a bit more serious than the last album - the music press are citing the Brazillian band's newfound grasp of English for the lack of lyrics like 'suck my art tit' personally, I think that they have had a harrowing year after their manager problems.

The brand new video for the single Rat Is Dead has been directed by ace music video director Nima Nourizadeh. Lovefoxxx is resplendent in her lycra jumpsuit with huge neck ruffle - maybe she read my neck ruffle post? Maybe not. The rest of the band - I wish I knew who was who, I don't, look great too.

Key looks include:
Headbands over sultry fringes
a handle bar moustache
Gold boleros

The video is not on YouTube at the moment - not a great version anyway - but you can see from the still that CSS are back and hotter than ever

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