Sunday, 13 July 2008

We love Rosie too Johnny...

Remember this post on Style Bubble?? Well, I've been pretty obsessed with it...I have an insider at Topshop and begged her to let me know as soon as the JLR head bands and bows came in, alas, nuffink.

According to Susie Bubble there are six styles dropping every week at Toppers on Oxford Street and I need my fix please thank you.

My favourite is by far the double gold bow - I don't think I could pull off the HUGE one, although saying that, I'd give it a go. So, if you see one give me a shout - its my birthday on Friday, what better time to wear a gigantic headband?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aah yeah, i really want to go to dinner or something in just a black cocktail dress, some incredible heels and that gold bow perched atop my head.

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